Association for Human Rights and Equality for Disabled People
(e.V: Registered Association)
At the end of 1996 NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 was established as successor organization of the "Initiative Equality for Disabled" which cooperated substantially to bring about a discrimination ban on disabled people in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is a nationwide Network of Equality Initiatives devoted to a human rights oriented vision of issues concerning disabled people. Activities of NETZWERK were shaped by DPI-Germany - (Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben in Deutschland). On September 19, 1998 NETZWERK ARTIKEL 3 was established as a Registered Association.
What are the Main Tasks?
- Coordination
Our Association aims at forming an overall network beyond political parties comprising Associations for various disabilities, Individuals, Projects and Organizations which strive for equality and the realization of the new constitution principle. - Complaint Department
The Complaint Department files and communicates acts of discrimination, makes regular reports on the implementation of the discrimination ban with particular consideration of the interests of disabled women. - Bill of Law Preparation
The Association collects and coordinates concrete proposals on amendment of individual laws; respectively the creation of local, regional and federal provisions assuring the equality of disabled people. In this connection particular attention shall be paid to the needs of disabled women.
What we have done up to now:
At regular intervals, NETZWERK publishes in writing a pamphlet "Disability and Human Rights" which is also available on cassette.
NETZWERK advises on equality issues and organizes specific conferences for members and other interested parties.
Within the framework of the AKTION GRUNDGESETZ (Campaign of more than 100 organizations fighting for equal rights) NETZWERK has established a specific Information Center containing a library on equality. In addition NETZWERK publishes Information booklets and organizes consulting hours.
This is what you can do:
You can opt for either a Full Membership or a Sponsorship. According the the statutes of our Association, every disabled or non-disabled person can become a full member. Only disabled members can be elected to the Board. As Sponsors you may voice your advice in all matters concerning the activities of the Association.
At present the subscription amount for individuals is 100 Marks per year It is also possible to exclusively subscribe to the Information Service "Disability and Human Rights".
German Constitution - Article 3
Equality before the Law
- All people are equal. before the law
- Men and women have equal rights. The State shall foster the actual implementation of the equality of rights for women and men, and act in favor of the elimination of existing disadvantages.
- No one may be discriminated against or privileged because of sex, descent, race, language, native country and origin, belief, religion or political views.
No one may be discriminated against because of disability.
Verein für Menschenrechte und Gleichstellung Behinderter e.V.
Leipziger Straße 61
D-10117 Berlin
Tel.: +4930/4317716 o. +4930/4364441
Fax: +4930/4364442
(Donations are tax-Deductible)